Growth Vision Holdings (Pty) Ltd (GVH) is a black-owned holding company constituted by locally-based black-owned operational legal entities that are carefully positioned in specific geographic regions across South Africa. All operating entities are dedicated to the supply and support of
world-class, highly specialised solutions and services to the country’s premier mining operations in their respective areas.
Business philosophy
Growth Vision Holding’s organisational structure is designed to foster collaboration and innovation among all stakeholders throughout the group.
The leadership team at group level participates directly in mentoring and guiding all operations undertaken by the regional operational entities. The team comprises experienced professionals in fields such as business management, operational management, and financial management.
Direct support in the form of free training and technical consultancy is supported in other specialist areas such as sales, manufacturing, quality control, and customer relations to help ensure that all local companies are capable of adopting a holistic approach to successfully serving their customers in their geographic region.
A unique and distinguishing characteristic of Growth Vision Holdings founding philosophy is the total commitment to meeting and adhering to the highest possible standards of corporate governance, occupational and safety standards, risk management, business management and operational excellence.
This commitment extends to not only addressing transformation imperatives, such as strict adherence to all laws governing broad-based black economic empowerment, but to active participation and support for initiatives designed to uplift and create a sustainable quality of life for local communities.
This commitment is reflected in Growth Vision Holdings support for education, training, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and economic empowerment programmes that uplift and empower community members.
By partnering with local organisations, including NGOs, and government bodies, Growth Vision Holdings aims to drive meaningful change and contribute to the long-term well-being of the communities in which local Growth Vision Holdings companies and their customers operate in.